
Once upon a time, a student asked me to help him in R. i had no experience with R, however i gave it a chance. i installed RStudio Server. Months passed after my first use until i needed it for my stuff. i was studying statistics in a university and our teacher wanted us to create our solutions using a spreadsheet program. i saw that using R, i could learn more useful stuff and moved on RStudio Server. i learnt to create output using bookdown which is a library that can be used for creating websites or e-books while including calculations and graphs. As bookdown has a steap learning curve, i want to elaborate it here. Template strings are marked with angle brackets.

For me, regarding cross-references, the following things are important:

  1. It must be possible to cross-reference between files.

  2. R code in one file must be accessible in another file.

  3. Citations in table captions using kableStyling must be possible.

Currently, bookdown supports all of them.

we can see the workflow of from the written markdown to the ready output on the figure 0.1.

include_external_graphics("rmd/workflow.png")  # 1
The workflow from the written markdown to the ready output using *bookdown* [@riederer_21].

Figure 0.1: The workflow from the written markdown to the ready output using bookdown[1].