2 Configuration

2.1 Mandatory files

The project has the following mandatory files:

  1. .Rproj,

  2. _bookdown.yml,

  3. _output.yml,

  4. .git,

  5. .gitignore,

  6. README.md,

  7. default.latex,

  8. index.Rmd,

  9. js.html,

  10. js.js,

  11. preamble.\(\mathrm{ \TeX }\),

  12. references.Rmd, and

  13. references.bib,

  14. style.css.

i explain the purpose and content of each file.

2.2 project.Rproj

This is the project metadata file for RStudio Server.

2.3 _bookdown.yml

This file is used because in index.Rmd, the value for site is bookdown::bookdown_site.

Inside the file _bookdown.yml, the following settings are:

book_filename: "<name-of-project>"

This was set already in the setup phase. Once i give RStudio Server the command Build Book it creates the output Portable Document Format (PDF) file with the given name for book_filename by adding the file extension .pdf inside the subfolder _book. If i stop the build process then the auxiliary file must be deleted or any further build would fail.

new_session: false

For multi-chaptered or -sectioned outputs, every chapter or section is meant to be in a separate R markdown (Rmd) file. In order to be reference parts from one Rmd file to another Rmd file, the value for new_session must be false. Otherwise, a new session will be created for every file and referencing between the files isn’t possible.

delete_merged_file: true

During building, all the included Rmd files will be merged into one Rmd file that will be used for generating \(\mathrm{ \TeX{} }\) file. That merged Rmd file is usually unnecessary, so i let RStudio Server delete it automatically.

    fig: 'Joonis '

If the language is Estonian then for web output the word Figure below each figure must be translated manually.

rmd_files: [

rmd_files contains the list of involved Rmd files. There must be involved index.Rmd as only that file can have site which is necessary for generating anything at all. references.Rmd contains references and usually, i have references, so i include the file. If rmd_files isn’t present then all the files whose name doesn’t start by _ will be included sorted according to their names. With rmd_files, i can also set the order of files.

2.4 _output.yml

2.4.1 Introduction

This file is used because in index.Rmd, the value for site is bookdown::bookdown_site.

Inside the file _output.yml, the output types can be set. i only use two of them: a web format bs4_book and a print format pdf_book.

2.4.2 bookdown::bs4_book

The following settings are for bookdown::bs4_book:

css: style.css

In style.css, it’s possible to restyle the website.

    in_header: js.html

i don’t like if i lead the user from my site away once they click a link to an external site on my bibliography page. Therefore, i wrote a program in ECMAScript that adds target = "_blank" to every a in the bibliography after the whole page is loaded. i put the script into the file js.js as i want to keep scripts written in different languages in separate files. Then, i created the file js.html that reads the content of js.js. i want the script tag to be put into head - therefore in_header.

repo: https://github.com/<username-in-github>/<name-of-project>

The repository will be linked in three places. In the left column, there’s the link for the main page of the repository. In the right column, there are two links regarding to the repo. The upper one refers the repo page of the current page and the lower link leads to the repo page where the current page can be edited. In GitHub, discussions can take place.

2.4.3 bookdown::pdf_book

The following settings are for bookdown::pdf_book:

    in_header: preamble.tex

As the default \(\mathrm{ \LaTeX{} }\) template file is default.tex, i don’t want to change that and instead, offer additions and modifications through includes. In the file whose name is given - preamble.tex, the additions and modifications can be made.

  keep_tex: yes

As PDF-file is generated according to \(\mathrm{ \TeX{} }\) file, it’s sometimes useful to see what \(\mathrm{ \TeX{} }\) file consists of.

  latex_engine: xelatex

Actually, it’s the format, not engine, one out of three available in bookdown. It allegedly has the best language and font support and is recent[5]. The other current format is lualatex which doesn’t work with chinese characters and while beign extendable and therefore, slow.

  template: default.latex

In order to make everything work, it’s useful to use the default template downloaded from pandoc’s repository[6]. Modifications can be done in preamble.tex or as extra_dependencies. i never edit default.latex.

2.5 .git

This folder is for git configuration regarding to this project.

2.6 .gitignore

This file contains the list of files git should ignore.

2.7 README.md

This file contains the human-friendly metainformation about the project.

2.8 default.latex

This is the default template downloaded from[6].

2.9 index.Rmd

2.9.1 Introduction

This file must contain the site generator information in the metadata section and can contain other metadata there. In addition, it serves as the holder of common functions and commands and contains an introduction as if the number of Rmd files and first-level headings don’t match, a warning will be given.

2.9.2 Metadata

The optional metadata can be the following:

colorlinks: TRUE

i want that the user sees what part of the text is a link.

author: "<the name of the author>"

The author’s name will be displayed in the footer of the web output.

description: "<description of the project>"
lang: <two-letter lowercase language code>

Language is important for hyphenation. A known bug is that the word mõistmisel will be hyphenated incorrectly[7].

    - \input{title-page.tex}

As the default template does not correspond to all the needs set in Tallinn University, i use an extra template for the title page that i command to include before the rest. Please pay attention that the header is not allowed to contain title because the default title page would be displayed otherwise as well. Therefore, i need the following line:

title: "`r if (knitr::is_latex_output()) { '' } else { 'Manual for creating content<br/>using<br/>RStudio Server' }`"  # 1
                                                                                                                       # 2

For every linebreak, <br/> has to be used.

documentclass: <the document class>

There are five document classes. i use mainly article if i want to create a short lab report which doesn’t have chapters but sections that flow after each other from page to page. Here, i use book because it’s a book that has chapters whereas each chapter begins on a new page.

papersize: <paper format>

This can be set for instance to a4.

geometry: top=<top>cm, right=<right>cm, bottom=<bottom>cm, left=<left>cm

geometry takes the values for margins from the given directions in centimeters.

classoption: <options for the document class separated by commas>

These are the options for the document class. i want my text to be mainly in one column, therefore onecolumn and printed on both sides - therefore twoside.

linestretch: <line height: how many lines>
fontsize: <size of the font in points>pt

mainfont: DejaVu Serif  # 1
                        # 2
CJKmainfont: Droid Sans Fallback

CJKmainfont has to be set in order to show Chinese characters.

bibliography: [references.bib]

This is the reference to the bibliography file.

csl: apa-numeric-superscript-brackets.csl

This is the reference to the style of American Psychological Association. i decided to use the numeric style as it is more compact.

link-citations: yes

i want the references inside the text to be linked to the appropriate reference list items.

lof: yes

i want the list of figures to be displayed.

lot: yes

i want the list of tables to be displayed not the logo of the Polish airlines company that we can see on the background as Kim Wilde was delivering a concert in Sopot in 1988[8].

2.9.3 knitr

knitr on R’i teek, mis teeb Rmd failist md faili[9]. i’ve made the following setting for that:

  collapse = TRUE  # 1
                   # 2

i want the result of running the source code to be printed into the same box instead of a separate box after the source code box[10].

  echo = TRUE  # 1
               # 2

i want the source code to be displayed.

i want the code chunks to have line numbers displayed although it only works for print output:

  attr.source = '.numberLines'  # 1
                                # 2

Next, librarian is being loaded because i don’t want to check manually if a particular package exists.

There are the definitions of three helper functions for:

  1. including graphics,

  2. creating tables,

  3. rendering the \(\mathrm{ \LaTeX{} }\) string universal regarding to the output format,

  4. rendering a text bold as there are different approaches regarding to the output mode and the main font because of the need for displaying emojis isn’t able to display anything in bold[11],

  5. rendering text that have emojis by switching the font to Symbola only for that part. Symbola must be the emoji font for having both Chinese characters as emojis displayed. If that font isn’t present in the system, it can be installed[12]:

sudo apt install fonts-symbola  # 1
                                # 2

It is important that all the parts of the same type look similar, so it is essential to use this function for all the external references outside presentations. we could use the font Symbola for everything however it does not support bold or italic text.

There’s also a set of commands for using units.

2.9.4 Content

Finally, there can be entered the introductionary content.

Commenting should take place according to the rules of roxygen2[13].

2.10 favicon.ico

This is the custom browser icon file referenced in js.html as seen in the listing ?? on the page[14].

2.11 js.html

This file just includes the necessary ECMAScript script and can be used to include other ECMAScript scripts in the header of the webpage. It is basically a part of the metadata part of the web page.

2.12 js.js

This file contains ECMAScript script that must be included in the header of the webpage. The link for the Portable-Document-Format-(PDF)file must be changed here. In this file, the file names for the presentation(s) must be set if there are some presentations available.

2.13 preamble.\(\mathrm{ \TeX{} }\)

This file contains inclusions for PDF output that doesn’t exist in default.latex.

The decimal separator can be specified in output-decimal-marker:

\sisetup{                              # 1
  input-decimal-markers = {.,},        # 2
  output-decimal-marker = {.},         # 3
  separate-uncertainty,                # 4
  separate-uncertainty-units = repeat  # 5
}                                      # 6
                                       # 7

2.14 references.Rmd

This file is meant for containing the list of references.

2.15 references.bib

This is the bibliography file.

2.16 style.css

This file contains the styling for the web version that’s not included by default.

2.17 title-page.tex

This is the template for the title page and should be adopted according to the needs of the project.

2.18 Troubleshooting

If shit hits the fan and there are overwhelming many conflicts to solve then it is easier to perform a hard reset[15]:

git reset --hard <identifier of the commit>  # 1
git push -f                                  # 2
                                             # 3

More shit can hit the fan, especially if tha ability of using RStudio fails totally[16]. I am not sure why that happened to me twice already but probably because of an interrupted build process. Once I relogged in I could not use anything on that tab. RStudio’s tab ate read-only memory up to GB and crashed. That happened every time. Last time, the solution was to suspend all the sessions[17]:

sudo rstudio-server suspend-all  # 1
                                 # 2